Monday, 17 August 2009

Outdoor Learning and Graphic Novels

Just reflecting on a great session last year, straight As in my AdvHGC class and a superb Outdoor learning program. Below, is a canoeing group getting a safety briefing. Based at Action Outdoors, Falkirk.

Of course, we used these images and others, to remember our 'learning' experience of that night and how well we worked as a team and had really intense learning with plenty of 'challenge and enjoyment' . We created a Graphic Novel. (I'll add it here when I find it at work)

As it's after school time for Outdoor Learning programme, we don't formally record these learning events, but it gives me greater satisfaction, as a professional, to experience these kids learning. Last session we had 40+ nights OL. I happily gave up my personal time for this programme.

This session, next May, I will hopefully be descending the Spey - Source to Sea - with a group. An ideal opportunity for cross-discipline work. Geography, English (poestry/creative writing) and we could Design something on the way and look at the Hydro Aspects for technology....just a dream.

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